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Retailers Rule! Flooring Retail Insights from Cathy Siegmund at Gardner Floor Covering

Here at Promoboxx we LOVE our retailers, and keeping them engaged in our platform is very important to us. The Client Services team constantly reaches out to retailers to help them get them started, to show them new features, and to answer any questions they may have. We also love getting their feedback. Meeting retailers’ needs is key to having engaged users, and we like to check in to see what retailers think of the Promoboxx platform. The Retailers Rule! interview series shares retailer insights across the industries and helps to better connect brands with their retailers.

I recently sat down with Cathy Siegmund, owner of the Gardner Floor Covering located in Eugene, Oregon.


The proud team at Gardner Floor Covering!

What has your experience with Promoboxx been like so far?

I like having access to so much product information and so many pictures. I must, also, say that your staff has been very helpful! 

Co-branded content

Co-branded content example: Shaw and Gardner Floor Covering

How does digital content impact your store’s success?

Digital content is the way to go! It’s interactive and we use the content to make younger consumers come into our showroom.

What has been your favorite Shaw campaign and why? Content type?

I am particularly drawn to campaigns that feature carpets. Our potential consumers on social media, also, seem to like contemporary photos because we get comments on these types of posts.

I have noticed that holiday tips are very in right now. They are getting the biggest responses. We get a number of hits from women looking to decorate their homes during the holidays.

What do you think is the most beneficial way for brands to connect with their retailers? 

Our business is a very traditional one.We have an older clientele and 60-70% of our business is done by referral and returning customers. We recently brought Shaw in to diversify ourselves and draw in younger people.  Tools made for us need to recognize our demographics.

What is your biggest piece of advice for those retailers just starting on Promoboxx? 

I am older and the owner of this business. Promoboxx is a very exciting thing to use. Be sure to take the time to pick advertisements that really reflect your business. Do not be generic; add your own touch.

What is your favorite Promoboxx feature?

Promoboxx is home to a variety of photos of Shaw products supplemented by information you can use across your digital channels.

Shaw Floors Content Examples

Looking back at your experience with online marketing content, how has the Promoboxx platform saved you time as a business owner?

When I started engaging in the use of social media for my business, if I had attempted to use as much content as Shaw provides, it would’ve taken me hours. Now the process is much faster. The resources like the product illustrations and pictures made available to me are extremely beneficial.

We can’t thank Cathy enough for taking the time to talk with us. Stay tuned for more Retailers Rule! interviews. Take a look at Cathy’s store: Check out Gardner Floor Covering Company on Facebook and Twitter!

More from the Retailers Rule! Interview Series >