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Top Brands Share Why They’re Excited For #AlignedCon

As #AlignedCon 2015 approaches, top brands across the appliance, apparel and outdoor industries are eagerly discussing why they are excited to attend. The Aligned Conference brings together digital trade and retail marketers, to exchange ideas about how to best empower their independent retailers.

After a successful first year, savvy marketers from Electrolux, Timberland, and Trek Bicycle have each weighed in and given their thoughts on why this unique retail strategy conference is well worth attending.

To hear why these three brands believe in the importance of #AlignedCon, the only national conference that focuses on strengthening marketing alignment between manufacturing brands and their independent retailers, check out these short videos below.

Electrolux loves the transparency at Aligned

Timberland loves the content at Aligned

Trek Bicycle loves the variety of perspectives at Aligned

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