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Shaw Floors Wins at Local Retail with Paid Ad Solutions

With 90% of all retail sales still being transacted in-store,1 brands need to ensure that their local retail partners are equipped with all of the marketing tools and resources necessary to keep their brand top of mind. In this series, we will be highlighting a few brands who are stepping in and winning at local retail. First up: Shaw Floors.

Shaw Floors Offers Retailers Local Advertising Solutions

Recently, Shaw Floors needed a way to generate excitement around their massive Summer Sale promotion in order to spread the word and connect with new and local audiences. How did they go about this? By doing what they do best: working side-by-side with their independent retailers. Shaw Floors has a history of forging and maintaining strong relationships between themselves and their retailers, and this was campaign was no different. This time around, they found their solution through Promoboxx Local Ads, particularly notable for their utilization of co-branded Google Search ads.

Through Promoboxx Local Ads, Shaw Floors gave their independent retailers access to fully-formed, localized online content to promote via mobile display ads and Google search ads. Many retailers struggle to maintain the bandwidth in just creating their own digital content. But Shaw Floors, utilizing Promoboxx Local Ads, offered their retailers a ready-to-go solution.

Here’s how their retailers’ Google Search ads look:

Shaw Google Search Ad

Example Google Search ad


Here’s how their retailers’ mobile display ads look:

local mobile display ad

Example local mobile display ad


The ads led visitors to this co-branded landing page, where consumers could learn more about both the promotion and a nearby flooring store:

Shaw Summer Campaign Landing Page

Example co-branded landing page


Campaign Results:

  • 100% Retailer Engagement (targeted group)
  • 19,000+ Landing Page Views
  • 1.5M+ Google Search Ad Impressions
  • 4.8M+ Mobile Display Ad Impressions

By leveraging Promoboxx Local Ads, Shaw Floors was able to drive untapped local audiences to retailers’ digital channels and, in turn, to the stores. As an additional benefit, their retailers were able to save time and resources by having access to a brand-approved digital campaign that was customized to promote their flooring store. A win-win for both brands and retailers.

1A.T. Kearney’s On Solid Ground: Brick-and-Mortar Is the Foundation of Omnichannel Retailing

Read on: 3 Retail Marketing Lessons From Shaw Floors That Will Make Your Brand Awesome >