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Meet Lizzie, Product Manager at Promoboxx

The Promoboxx team is growing by leaps and bounds! We’re thrilled to introduce Lizzie, who recently joined us as a Product Manager.

Q. Tell us about yourself in a tweet! (140 characters or less)

A. I’m crazy about all things design, dogs and vintage cars.

Q. What is one of your favorite things to do in Boston?

A. I love walking the South End Corridor Park, frequenting my local Flour Bakery and biking along the Charles.

Q. Why did you decide to join the team, and what are you most excited about now that you’re an official Promoboxxer?

A. As soon as I started to meet the team, I knew the people and culture at Promoboxx was something special.  There’s nothing quite like being a part of a really tight-knit team that’s growing and building fast… I’m thrilled to be a part of it.

Q. Do you have any interesting hobbies?

A. I’m a former classical musician, so I love to get together with friends and play music.   I’m also really interested in wine, and am lucky to have a French friend who’s teaching me a lot!

Q. What is something that not many people know about you?

A. I’m terrified of heights, I love action movies, and surprisingly, I’m not a huge fan of brunch.