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Meet Russen, Developer at Promoboxx

Q. Tell us about yourself in a tweet! (140 characters or less)

A. I live near Davis Square with my wife, Clover, and our daughter, Morgan. We’re expecting a baby in July! I love coffee, fire spinning, and Boabom.

Q. What are you most excited about now that you’re part of the Promoboxx team?

A. My first job was at a start-up with 6 people in Chicago. After working for rock stars at Harmonix, and then at Berklee College of Music, I’m really excited about being part of a small, elite team that’s breaking new ground in the digital world. It’s like coming back to my roots, only this time with a journey’s worth of experience behind me, instead of being green behind the ears. 🙂

Q. Do you have any interesting hobbies?

A. I met my wife while taking classes at the Boston School of Boabom, studying Tibetan martial arts. We also study fire spinning together, and actually got married at WildFire, a summer fire arts training camp.

Q. Where did you grow up, and what brought you to Boston?

A. I grew up in Chapel Hill, NC. When it came time to choose a college, I mostly picked Boston because I wanted to live in a city where it snowed more than once every 4 years.