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4 Reasons Why Customizing Content Is Worth Your 30 Seconds

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At Promoboxx, we work hard with our brands to provide content that not only looks professional, but also provides great value for both consumers and retailers. Part of this process often includes incorporating campaign customizations that are simple and easy to implement. These features can be a great tool for any retailer, and should not be overlooked. Customizations not only help to generate more sales, but they also can help retailers with building out their own personal brand. Check out our top reasons for customizing.


1. Drive traffic to your direct inventory pages

Customizations can drive consumer traffic directly to your inventory pages; take Electrolux’s MLK Packages campaign for example.  The campaign’s landing page contains a prominent call to action with a “SHOP NOW” button, which brings the consumer to the inventory page showcasing the rebated product on the retailer’s website.  Here’s why you want to customize:


  • Continuing the “act now” mentality.  Customers only have a limited amount of time to act on the rebate, as it expires after the holiday.  This creates a sense of urgency to buy.  By clicking the customized link, you are continuing to encourage consumer engagement as “shop now” turns to “buy now” when they land on your inventory page.
  • Attract and maintain mobile users’ attention.  With the wide adoption of smart phones, customers are checking email and social media sites throughout the day–using the phone in the palm of their hand.  Many websites are not optimized for mobile viewing, making the print small and hard to navigate.  By sending the mobile user right to your inventory page, it minimizes the likelihood of disengagement potentially caused when consumers are confronted with the task of navigating your homepage.



2. Showcase the prices and items you have in stock

The problem some retailers run into with promotional brand content is the lack of relevancy to their individual store. The retailer may not carry some of the items advertised in the campaign, or may be selling it at a different price point. Trek’s Holiday campaign recognized the possible discrepancy between campaign offerings and retailer inventory, and allowed retailers to promote and highlight the specific content relevant to what they had in stock and for what price. Why this is important:


  • Increases relevancy. Customers don’t have to research which items are and are not available from the retailer.  This also minimizes any disappointment that may come from clicking on an item that a store does not offer.
  • Ensures consumer trust. By advertising your individual price points for the items you are showcasing, you are ensuring that the customer is going to purchase an item for the price that they are expecting.  Disparity of prices between the national campaign and localized retailer offerings may lead to consumer distrust.  The customization feature assures consumers that they are receiving the right information.



3. Highlight your personal brand with additional social content

Most companies recognize the importance of Twitter and Facebook when launching new campaigns and incorporate these retailer accounts on campaign landing pages. However these are not the only social media tools businesses have at their disposal. Reebok recognized this and allowed its retailers to utilize their Instagram accounts for the Reebok Basketball 2013 campaign. Here, retailers could showcase pictures from their Instagram accounts directly onto the campaign landing page by including a predetermined hashtag with the photo when posting it to Instagram. How does this help?…


  • Creates a visible brand.  An Instagram account is a great way to create a visible brand for your business.  The social media medium is full of filters and aesthetics that grab consumers’ attention and gives them a better understanding of who you are as a business outside of just what you sell. Learn more on how to optimize your Instagram.
  • Become a community influencer.  Linking your Instagram and similar social media accounts to a brand’s national campaign can help boost your followers, and in turn, boost your klout.  Become a community influencer by engaging with your captive audience through posting the latest product releases and fresh content relevant to your industry.



4. Strengthen consumer relationship with your staff

Chevrolet allowed retailers to take customization to a whole new level with their Showroom campaign by providing space for employee bios.  Consumers could browse promotions, events, specials, vehicles in the showroom, and get to know the sales team.  This allows the retailer to add a personal touch to the campaign.  Here’s why it can be beneficial:


  • Creates a virtual showroom. This customization feature allows the customer to interact with your dealership from the comfort of their home as if they were in store.
  • Builds a relationship with the customer. By introducing your sales representatives and other staff members with pictures and short bios, it tells the consumer that you are interested in connecting with them on a personal level.  Facial recognition and a sense of familiarity can help you connect with potential customers when they enter your store.


Customizations should be a help, not a hindrance.  Have any questions or best customization practices?  Let us know; we love your feedback! Email us at