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10 Reasons Why You Should Come to Aligned


Here at Promoboxx, we can hardly contain our excitement to be the host sponsor for the first ever Aligned Conference, hosted right here in our backyard at Boston’s Fairmont Battery Wharf Hotel located in the North End on Sept 24-26th. Here’s why you should be just as excited:

1. You’re tired of hearing about events only to find out they’re for consumer brand marketers (8)

Doesn’t it seem like consumer brand marketing teams get all of the glory sometimes?  They get the great toys and fun events, but what about retail brand marketers?  Where are the conferences specifically designed to meet the needs of those that have independent retailers to support?  That’s why we’re introducing the first ever Aligned conference, to explore brand strategies that empower retailers.


2. Autumn in Boston (7)

That’s right, put away your NBA rally towel you got free from a Celtics/Lakers game – you won’t be needing it to towel-off anymore because the humidity has finally dropped from its usual 80% come September, and a cool, autumn breeze has rolled in.  Generally, this is the best time of year for weather in Boston, with temperatures in the 60s and 70s in the day, and 50s at night.  And who wears fall clothes better than you? No one.


3. Be with people just like you! (1)

Are you a digital retail marketer or a sales manager for a manufacturing brand? Do you want to help make your retailers better marketers for your brand?  Trick question.  Of course you do.  You didn’t earn the nickname “Ace” around the office for nothing.  Be among and brainstorm with other retail marketing all-stars at the conference designed specifically for you.


4. Sports culture/baseball season (2)

Ever heard of Fenway Park, the oldest baseball park in America built by the gods of baseball themselves?  Okay, maybe we’re a little biased towards our team, but it’s hard not to get swept up in Red Sox nation leading into the playoffs.  Regardless of how the season is going, we never go down without a fight.  As the great baseball legend David Ortiz said himself, “This is our F***** city.”


5. Yacht Rock Harbor Boat Cruise (4)

As you sit there soaking everything in at Aligned, you look out onto the water from the Fairmont Battery Wharf Hotel and think, “How do I get in that?”  As you get ready to dolphin-dive, we intervene and assure you that the water is not safe to swim in – but who are we to deprive you of that dirty water we love so much!? That’s why we’ll be setting sail on a Yacht Rock Harbor Cruise on Thursday night.  We both laugh nervously and pretend you were only kidding about jumping in.


6. Hear from and collaborate with top brands

We’re adding new and impressive speakers and thought leadership topics to the agenda weekly.  Hear refreshing new insights from other retail marketers at Fortune 500 companies and work with them to innovate new strategies. We’re all on the same team with the same end goals at Aligned.


7. The Local Food is Amazing

The North End/Waterfront is famous for it’s quaint, cobblestone side streets laden with a plethora of ridiculously delicious Italian restaurants and bakeries.  Whether you’re going to Pizzeria Regina for a fresh hot slice right out of the fire brick oven, or Mike’s Pastry to load up on creamy, crunchy cannolis, congratulations on making it to the pearly gates of food heaven.


8. Your boss will love you for taking initiative on innovative new ideas

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Remember that first time you met your crazy Aunt Linda who refuses to wear socks and takes herb supplements to remedy her headaches?  Only to find out that those supplements work like magic?  Finding creative new ways to improve your retail marketing efforts can be stunted when working in the same environment on the same initiatives. It’s natural.  Like Linda’s supplements.  At Aligned, you’ll be introduced to a range of new and unconventional ways of connecting to retailers backed by successful results.


9. Ask a panel of local retailers

As a retail marketer, you put retailers first.  Hear what they want, love, and need from their brands’ marketing teams, straight from the horses’ mouth (so to speak).  Find out what tools retailers are really excited about using and how you can help them become better marketers of your brand.  Your dedication to your retailers and responses to their feedback will have them dancin’ like J-Lo.


10. Leave with more than you bargained for

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We’ve packed a lot into just three days, including collaborative sessions, Fortune 500 brand led panels, successful retail marketing case studies, networking opps, and a Yacht Rock Harbor Cruise.  Get ready to get some serious knowledge dropped on you.  You’re going to leave with more than you bargained for, we promise.


But then again, you’re used to winning aren’t you? (6)

Of course you are, Ace.


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