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2021 Holiday Planning


Holiday Prep: Build Awareness for Your Business

In September and October, plan ahead and create demand. Getting customers excited about your business now can help pave the way for healthy sales in the coming months.

While planning, keep in mind that there was a five week period in between Thanksgiving and Christmas last year, and this year there is only a four week period. Promotional during the four week period- heavy promotional for those sales.

By launching campaigns that reach new customers early (e.g. late September), you’re more likely to keep per-click or per-impression costs lower, while still growing your prospecting pool.

Kick off your campaigns by showing your brand name to as many relevant people as possible. Get the word out now and reach new customers.


During the Holidays: Drive Sales to Your Business

Through October, November and December, maximize results by automating your strategy.

  • Drive sales by reaching customers who are already familiar with your brand and have demonstrated an interest in your products and services. 
  • Increase your budgets and implement paid ads to maximize conversions over the holiday peaks.


Post-Holiday: Turn New Customers into Repeat Customers

Strengthen relationships by retargeting your pre-holiday clients and offering them a free gift or special offer for participating in your January sales.

  • In December and January, retain and gain loyalty by cross-selling. 
  • The holiday shopping frenzy may be over, but the window of opportunity is still far from being closed.