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4 Ways Volkswagen is Winning with Their Dealers


Aiming to include their dealers in their national marketing initiatives, VW has partnered with Promoboxx for several campaigns. Their most recent, “Sign Then Drive” and “The Best. Thing. Ever. Event” performed phenomenally well, so we outlined the following best practices that attribute to VW’s success.

1. Generating buzz: VW does a great job of keeping both their dealers and their sales managers in the loop regarding upcoming campaigns. Prior to launch, VW makes sure their dealers have access to everything they need to promote the initiative, and are well versed in the event details. When the time comes for the event to launch, dealers waste no time in taking action and promoting the campaign at their dealership.By generating awareness of their national initiatives on a local level before launch, VW maximizes the ultimate reach of their efforts.

2. Offering fun, promotional content: VW’s recent campaigns “Sign Then Drive” and the “Best. Thing. Ever. Event” are savings-based offers that make sense for their dealers to share on their online channels in order to drive traffic to their dealerships. This type of content is especially enticing for the dealer to share with their customers, as well as for the customers to share with their friends so they too can take advantage of the savings. And, with fun titles like “Best. Thing. Ever.,” that reflect VW’s whimsical attitude, customers can’t help but take note of the campaign.

3. Creating Plenty of Content: Most VW dealers are incredibly tech savvy and have a huge following online. However, their hundreds (sometimes thousands) of Facebook fans and Twitter followers didn’t just appear out of nowhere; dealers had to share helpful, interesting content often, in order to earn their customers’ “likes.” Generating this type of content can be difficult and time intensive, so VW’s decision to provide their dealers with ongoing access to brand approved assets was met with major appreciation. Dealers know they can always log into Promoboxx and distribute new content provided by VW whenever they’re looking for something to share on their online channels. It’s so easy that they can do it often, which is crucial to keeping customers engaged.

4. Easy To Use Share Tools: It’s not enough to only create digital assets for dealers to share on their online channels; easily accessible content is just as an important as how easy it is for the dealers to share it. VW constantly updates the share content to keep their dealers, as well as the online customer, engaged, and with Promoboxx’s checklist of turnkey share tools, dealers can easily share this new content online with just a few clicks! Promoboxx also offers reporting that tracks how effective their online outreach is for each individual campaign. These tools help VW dealers’ measure the results of their online marketing efforts, and the constant refresh of customizable, brand-approved, content allows the promotion to be reinforced without being robotic.