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5 Obstacles to Local Marketing Alignment Between Brands and Retailers


Together, national brands and local retailers can be a powerful duo for driving sales. Brands have important resources retailers don’t — budget, reach and marketing expertise. Retailers have a direct connection with local audiences, the ones who buy a brand’s product.

The trouble is that many brands don’t have an effective point of top-down connection and alignment, losing marketing opportunities, unraveling relationships, and wasting money.

To bridge this gap and win retailer mindshare and the battle for revenue, brands must begin to tackle the roadblocks to marketing alignment head-on. Here are the five main obstacles to local marketing alignment between brands and retailers:

  1. DAMs and Co-op Programs Fail to Engage Retailers
  2. National Advertising Is Not Effective for Local Retailers
  3. Most Local Retailers Fail When It Comes to Marketing
  4. Achieving Campaign Consistency Across Retailers Is Difficult
  5. National Brands Often Favor Only a Subset of Retailers with Marketing Efforts

1. DAMs and Co-op Programs Fail to Engage Retailers

Digital asset management solutions are notoriously cumbersome and difficult to use. It’s no wonder that retailers have trouble finding the value.

Co-op marketing is a broken process, too, with time-consuming methods and a focus on outdated advertising channels. Like DAMs, co-op programs see low retailer adoption and engagement rates.

Both of these approaches typically result only in disjointed marketing efforts that neither drive incremental in-store foot traffic nor increase brand value.

Find out how GE Appliances innovated and partnered more effectively with their retailers on marketing efforts by turning to Promoboxx.

local marketing alignment


Related content: Promoboxx Doubles Down with New Retailer Experience [Product Update] >

2. National Advertising Is Not Effective for Local Retailers

Due to one-way communication channels like DAMs and co-op marketing, most brand campaigns aren’t communicated well to resource-strapped retailers for local campaign implementation, often leaving them to fend for themselves to market a brand’s product.

This is precisely why retailer participation in brand marketing efforts is typically quite low when it comes to national marketing initiatives. In the end, it simply doesn’t achieve the intended goal of driving up local sales and can result in lost revenue.

Find out how Shaw Floors bolstered local consumer attention and drove traffic in-store by leveraging Promoboxx Local Ads.

local marketing alignment

Example Local Ad on Facebook


Related content: Why Is Digital Co-Op Advertising So Hard? >

3. Most Local Retailers Fail When It Comes to Marketing

Many local retailers are small, resource-constrained shops with little to no marketing expertise. Without guidelines or support from brands to develop effective marketing content, local retailers are left to create their own DIY marketing campaigns — not ideal for brand identity.

Without an understanding of an effective marketing mix, the impact and reach retailers can have on behalf of brands with their local markets is significantly reduced.

Find out how Nissan extended their digital marketing resources to specific, hyperlocal dealers by partnering with Promoboxx.

local marketing alignment

Example co-branded landing page

4. Achieving Campaign Consistency Across Retailers Is Difficult

More often than not, retailers don’t have the expertise, resources or time to create a consistent marketing cadence across multiple digital marketing channels.

This results in one-off promotions that lack the multi-channel reach and targeting necessary for a campaign to be truly effective.

Find out how Trek Bikes delivers content to retailers to drive local campaign consistency through Promoboxx.

Example co-branded twitter share

Example co-branded twitter share


Related content: 5 Ways Top Brands Are Striking Gold with Retailer Data >

5. National Brands Often Favor Only a Subset of Retailers with Marketing Efforts

Most manufacturing brands face budget and resource limitations when it comes to funding retailer marketing, forcing them to limit funds and support to only their top retailers.

This leaves the bulk of their retailers to fend for themselves, resulting in disjointed marketing efforts.

Find out how New Balance reached all retailers and improved local marketing results by partnering with Promoboxx to streamline inefficient processes.

local marketing alignment

Example Local Ad on Facebook

Promoboxx Helps Brands Connect and Align with Local Retailers to Drive Revenue

Promoboxx is changing the way retailers and brands market at a local level to drive sales across the board. By providing a platform for retailers to get the information they need in a streamlined and actionable way, leading brands are effectively enabling them to execute successful local marketing campaigns.

Supporting a cohesive flow of marketing communications from brand to retailer to consumer, Promoboxx helps ensure brand messaging is consistent, persistent and impactful.

Want an in-depth look at the five main contributions to top-down marketing misalignment? Check out our comprehensive content piece and find out how brands like New Balance, GE Appliances, and Nissan bridge this gap with Promoboxx, winning retailer mindshare and the battle for revenue.

marketing connection and alignment

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Promoboxx Doubles Down with New Retailer Experience [Product Update] >

5 Ways Top Brands Are Striking Gold with Retailer Data >

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