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Aligned Speaker Spotlight: John Ross, PepsiCo


PepsiCo’s John Ross and Promoboxx’s Ben Carcio will be covering “Owning the Conversation: High Level Strategies To Engage Influencers” at the Aligned Conference in Boston, MA.

A message from Ben:

When we first started Promoboxx we could only dream of working with brands like Pepsi. So it’s with great pleasure that I get to share the stage with John Ross, Director of Customer Solutions, Digital Engagement at PepsiCo. Both John and Pepsi understand the value of their retailers. So much so that Pepsi is one of the few brands who correctly calls their retailers their customers.

For our session, we’ll be covering Owning the Conversation: High Level Strategies To Engage Influencers – and there is no better way to reach influencers than to connect with your retailers. They’re on the front lines of your brand and are in the best position to understand your influencers.

I’m looking forward to sitting down with John. For more information on the first ever Aligned Conference, check out the official agenda and our ten reasons for coming to Aligned.

Here’s our teaser video:

See you in Boston!