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Announcing New State of the Art Infrastructure


On the Promoboxx Engineering team, we’re always focused on improving workflow, performance, and execution within the platform. It is important to brands that they have a high-performing platform that makes it easy and effective for retailers to log in and share digital marketing campaigns. It is important to retailers that they have access to a system that works fast, so they can focus on authentic customer experiences.

With that, we’re excited to share some big upgrades happening to our cloud platform this weekend. In order to provide a world-class retail engagement platform, we are taking the opportunity to enhance multiple systems as part of our constant work to tune the operations.

First, we are launching a new Docker container-based architecture on Amazon Web Services (AWS) so we can more easily manage and deploy updates to the platform. Our goal is to be able to ship more value to customers faster than ever before and this had been an increasingly complex task as our offering and team has grown.

Using containers and AWS, we’ve vastly improved how we’re managing the deployment, structure, schedule, and scaling of all aspects of our platform. This also means that we are able to break apart facets of our services in ways that we hadn’t been able to previously and match various hardware constraints on those systems (CPU, Disk, RAM) to pools of resources to match. As a result, we’re improving performance across the board on the Promoboxx platform!

Second, we’re upgrading our databases to leverage Amazon’s exciting Aurora. Aurora is a highly performant database that offers 3-5x the performance of our older database system! Though I could go on a laundry list of benefits for moving to the Aurora system, it has met or exceeded all of our targets for performance, security, fault tolerance, ease and speed of setup and operational overhead.

Third, we’re launching all of our new Data Lake services and migrating all existing data to this new system. Data Lake will fuel some vast improvements and product enhancements on the data and reporting front. More to come on this!

We are looking forward to launching these upgrades and are pumped for all that we have in store for 2019!