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New Feature Alert!
Promoboxx Retail Marketing Calendar


The holidays are here – we give thanks, we eat turkey, we wrap presents. We have a whole lot to be grateful for. 

But, as marketers and business owners, this is undoubtedly the craziest time of year for us all! It’s the height of consumer retail spending, and it’s budgeting season. We have to tactically execute digital marketing campaigns, keep our product shelves stocked, and convert holiday shoppers. And at the same time, we need to have a strategic view on what worked in 2018 to inform our budget and resource needs for 2019. 

Retailers are absolutely critical to every successful shopping season, and the Promoboxx Retail Marketing Calendar now gives brands and retailers the tools you need to make retailers an integral part of your brand’s go-to-market plan… and capitalize on this opportunity together.

Now Available: Promoboxx Retail Marketing Calendar

Today, Promoboxx has released a new calendar feature to support your retail marketing planning cycles. Login to Promoboxx to check it out!

Promoboxx Retail Marketing Calendar gives retail marketers, sales reps, and retailers a single place to manage, edit, and communicate around all of their critical digital marketing campaigns, in-store visits or promotions, and any other relevant initiative — whether it’s executed via Promoboxx or not! 

Retail marketers and sales reps can now manage their complete retail marketing calendar in the same place as they manage, connect to, and market through their entire retailer network. By providing retailers with your marketing calendar in advance, you help them plan and execute better. They know what’s coming, when they need to launch campaigns, and how to staff their stores around “big traffic” promotions. As a result, your brand gains retailer mindshare, increases activation on your campaigns, and ultimately drives more consumer engagement and foot traffic to each store. 

Promoting Partnership with Sales Reps and Retailers 

Promoboxx Retail Marketing Calendar - Create a Custom EventYour new Retail Marketing Calendar also fosters an important alignment between sales reps and local retailers. Sales reps can better educate retailers and support their digital marketing efforts. Reps can even add custom events to the calendar — for example, an event to notify the retailer when they’ll be at the store next to drop off some new signage or plan inventory for the next season.

Retailers can better plan and manage their digital marketing campaigns across all the brands they promote through Promoboxx. Within the calendar, retailers can filter campaigns by brand or by campaign type. They can view by day, week, or month. They can see what they’ve already launched, what they’ve scheduled, and what they need to look at next. 

All of this gives retailers better predictability on the volume and frequency of digital marketing campaigns that drive foot traffic. Retailers can plan campaigns earlier so that, as foot traffic increases over the next few weeks, in particular, they can spend their time engaging consumers and delivering that personalized, feel-good customer experience they are known for. 

Your new Promoboxx Retail Marketing Calendar is a critical step in activating your retailer network, and truly investing in them as a key channel in your brand’s go-to-market plan. 

Bring it on 2019! 

Whether you want to monitor activity on your December holiday campaigns, or you’re ready to get planning for January and beyond, Promoboxx Retail Marketing Calendar is ready for you to use now. Login to your account to get started. 

And of course, if you’re not a Promoboxx user already, contact us to see a live demo. We’d love to bring you onboard! 😉

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