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Announcing The Aligned Awards


The Promoboxx team is getting so excited for Aligned, the first-ever conference designed for manufacturing brand marketers, digital retail marketers and sales managers who are looking to help empower their independent retailers.

As the Brand Account Director at Promoboxx, I am very excited to announce that we will be presenting one of our brand clients with The Aligned Award! This award will recognize the best brand-to-retail marketing campaign launched on Promoboxx in 2014.

What makes a good brand-to-retail campaign you ask?

  • High Retailer Activation and Engagement
  • Unique Display of Brand-to-Retailer Co-Branding
  • Overall Look and Creativity
  • Strong Call-to-Actions
  • Consumer Engagement
  • Retailer Feedback
  • Impact on Store Traffic & Sales

The presentation and voting will take place the morning of Friday, September 26th at the conference. All attendees will be invited to participate and vote for their favorite campaign. The winner will be announced later that day after the last session at 11:40am, and presented a special prize to take home.

We will be sharing the nominations and the winner on our blog, so stay tuned! For live updates from the conference, check out the hashtag #AlignedCon on Twitter.