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We’ve mentioned it before, but our amazing development team pushes new Promoboxx platform features every two weeks. Today, we pushed out some awesome new features including: retailer scoreboard, a brand dashboard and retailer engagement flow tracking!  As always, stay tuned for more new features and improvements!

Retailer Scoreboard

Brands can now assign point values to sharing campaigns. Retailers get points based on how they share, and then get ranked against their fellow retailers. It is a great way for brands to incentive and reward high participating retailers! And for retailers, it is a great way to be reminded to share often!

Brand Dashboard

Brands can now view all of their calendar events, campaigns, and retailer activity all on one page!

Engagement Flow Tracking

With this exciting new feature, we have made it even easier for a brand to increase their retailer engagement levels by tracking retailers through the entire enrollment process. Now, we know exactly when a retailer “falls off track” in completing the enroll-to-share process. However, this information doesn’t just help brands increase retailer engagement- it also helps brands and Promoboxx optimize the process by seeing what parts might be confusing or unclear to retailers trying to participate.