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Promoboxx Platform Update: Why Benchmarking Matters for Retailers


One of the many benefits of using Promoboxx is that it helps you understand the potential reach of your retailers. But, how many of your retailers know the extent of their local exposure?

In most cases, retailers aren’t sure how they stack up to other stores selling your product or how many consumers they could reach with your content. To help them better understand their potential, we created a new Consumer Reach benchmarking feature that allows retailers to compare their reach with those of their peers.

The process of benchmarking makes it possible to evaluate success and identify shortcomings through a comparison against industry standards. With this feature, retailers can see a quick overview of their local exposure and discover whether they are above or below average in Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, and Consumer Leads.

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Why does this matter?  Consumer Reach benchmarking offers retailers an up-to-date report card of their potential consumer reach. It’s an opportunity for them to reflect on what they are doing right and what they could be doing better. Who can resist a little friendly competition?

The first thing retailers can do to start climbing the ranks is to engage more with the content you provide for them. Over time, they can now see how their actions directly influence their consumer reach. Consumer Reach benchmarking will inspire your retailers to expand their audience and become leaders in consumer reach.

If you’re new to Promoboxx, Request a Demo to learn how to help your retailers understand the value of their engagement with your brand content, and help your retailers become better marketers!