Here at Promoboxx, we are constantly improving the platform to better suit your digital marketing needs. Whether it’s simplifying steps, building new features or tweaking the user experience – our overall goal is to always make things faster, easier and more effective for you.
To keep you up-to-date on these changes, we’ll be posting regular product updates on our retailer blog each month. To kick it off, below are the major improvements that we’ve made to the platform thus far in 2017!
In an attempt to close the loop on tracking digital ROI, we’ve rolled out post-campaign surveys to determine the impact of specific brand campaigns on your in-store sales. The survey asks questions, such as, “Did customers come into the store asking about the campaign?” and “Did you see increased website traffic? Increased Facebook page engagements?”
The responses will provide direct feedback to your brand(s) on the effectiveness of their campaign content. Your feedback will help to improve the design and quality of your campaigns moving forward.
Quick Tip: A good way to start tracking digital ROI is to ask your customers how they heard about your store and the products that they’re purchasing – don’t forget to keep a record of responses! This will help you to determine the source of in-store traffic.
For those of you accessing multiple brands on Promoboxx, your dashboard view is now defaulted to “All Brands” so you can preview all of your brand campaigns at once. Rather than flipping through content brand-by-brand, review all of your marketing campaigns side by side in one place!
Prefer viewing your content brand-by-brand? No worries! You can still view specific brand content by clicking “All Brands” at the top left of your Dashboard and selecting the specific brand that you wish to view content for.
In the past, if you enabled automation for a brand’s Facebook or Twitter content, the setting only impacted new campaigns moving forward – it did not impact live campaigns on your Dashboard. The same also went for disabling your automation settings – it only disabled automation for campaigns moving forward and not current campaigns.
No longer are the days of missing out on content or spending valuable time un-scheduling content! Now when you enable automation, current campaign automation schedules will be applied to your calendar and automatically removed if you disable automation.
Quick Tip: Want to see your previously shared and upcoming scheduled posts? Use the Schedule tab on your left navigation bar to preview and update your content calendar.
Have you ever had a question about Promoboxx but no time to talk? Now you can go to to schedule a demo, refresher, or general chat with our Retailer Specialists.
Use to select a convenient time for us to reach out to you. That way, even if you’re in a rush or a customer comes in, you can rest assure that your questions will be addressed at another time.