We would love for more of your brands to offer content on Promoboxx, but we need your help! In an effort to help you access more brands on Promoboxx, we added a “Refer a Brand” tab to the left-hand menu bar of your dashboard.
The Refer a Brand tab allows you to take quick action (like sending a custom message to your brand contact or rep!) to let more brands know why they should be providing their content to you on Promoboxx.
After filling in your brand/rep contact information, adding a personal note and clicking “Send Message” – Promoboxx will send the following templated email to your listed contact. The message will be customized with the name of the brand you’re referring, your contact’s information, your personal note, and your business info.
You’ve been a huge help! Thank you so much. Sit back and relax – we’ll take it from here. If you’re interested in being even more proactive with getting new brands on Promoboxx, please let us know by emailing support@promoboxx.com.