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Product Update [May 2017]

The Promoboxx platform is always being updated and finessed to provide you the best digital marketing experience possible. Whether it’s simplifying steps or building entirely new features – our overall goal is to always make things faster, easier and more effective for you.

Read on to find out what we’ve changed on the platform this month!

New Content Experience

Introducing a new and improved content experience! We’ve made your dashboard faster and more flexible than ever. To save you time, we’re showcasing more campaign information up front, such as available share channels and most popular content. You can also filter campaigns based on available promotion channel (i.e.: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, etc.), search by keyword, and more.

We made a big investment in performance with this update to vastly improve page load speeds so you can spend more time with your customers and less on the computer.

Retailer Content

Email Your Rep About Promoboxx

Have you requested a brand on Promoboxx but still see it marked as “Pending” on your account? Frustrating, we know. Promoboxx wants to turn your “Pending” request into an “Active” one so you can start accessing and sharing more content from brands online.

That’s why we added a new feature that allows you to quickly and easily alert your sales rep about Promoboxx. You can now send a customizable, pre-curated email to your rep about what Promoboxx is, why it’s important for your business, and that your rep’s brand should be providing its content via Promoboxx for you. All you need is the name and email of your sales rep to send it!

Watch the video below to see how you can quickly send an email to your rep about Promoboxx:

Have suggestions on how we can improve your Promoboxx experience? Send your ideas to – we’d love to hear them!