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Chevrolet, NFL, Super Bowl…What’s Next?

Promoboxx-Super-Bowl-NFL-ChevroletFor Super Bowl XLVI, Chevrolet tried something totally brand new. It pre-released its Super Bowl commercials ahead of the big game through co-branded online campaigns. Each customized to every one of their Chevy dealers.

Dealers were then given tools to help them promote their version of the campaign via email, social media (Facebook, Twitter), and their website.

These co-branded campaigns, all powered by Promoboxx, turned out to be a very successful dealer initiative for Chevrolet!

An online dealer strategy that works.

By developing an ongoing and integrated online dealer strategy, Chevy leads the way. Its dealers are responding favorably to the national co-marketing initiatives. As local retailers becoming more and more adept at marketing online, brand-to-retailer (B2R) marketing could be the next frontier for big brands.

TechCrunch, Automotive News, AdAge, and WBUR (to name a few) discussed Chevy’s B2R strategy in their recent “super” coverage.

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