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Jerry Haggerty Chevrolet Shares Insights into Digital Marketing Success


Welcome to Retailers Rule!, an interview series exploring digital marketing insights from the perspective of local retailers and the brands they sell.

Our latest interview features Jerry Haggerty, owner of Jerry Haggerty Chevrolet (based in Glen Ellyn, Illinois). Over the course of our conversation, we talked about the diminishing returns of traditional advertising, having content that is aligned with Chevrolet while also being unique to the dealership, and the power of Local Ads in reaching relevant local customers.

Tell us a little bit about your business and your role.

We are one dealership in a group of three. My dad, my brother, and myself are owners, and I run our Chevrolet store.

jerry haggerty chevrolet

Jerry Haggerty, Jerry Haggerty Chevrolet

We have employees that help to run our digital and social media stuff, but I always stay involved with it. We’re always trying to find new and different ways to get our message out there. That’s where Promoboxx fits in.

What has your experience with Chevrolet content on Promoboxx been like so far?

We’ve been using Promoboxx for almost a year, and I really like it. I like the way it’s set up. Any updates that have been made to the platform along the way have only made it easier for us to get Chevy content out there.

In fact, almost all of the content we share out on Facebook is now primarily thanks to Promoboxx. We’re still trying to get our own message out there, but having access to assets that are aligned with what national is doing is fantastic. Plus, we can customize it.

What is your favorite Promoboxx feature?

I love Promoboxx Local Ads, allowing us to boost content on Facebook and target customers in specific geographic areas.

Another feature I like is the email alert notifying us when there’s new Chevy content available on Promoboxx. It helps us to create a nice cadence.

What has your experience promoting Chevrolet content via Promoboxx Local Ads been like so far?

The process is very easy to go through, easy to set up, and it only seems to get easier!

For one recent piece of content we boosted, we had over 22,000 views, which is pretty impressive. The ones we don’t boost are more like 300, 500 at most. Obviously, when you put some money behind the content, you’re getting a ton more eyes on it.

How would you describe the value of doing Local Ads to other dealers?

When we’re seeing so much engagement and activity on a piece of content boosted through Local Ads, we know we’re staying top of mind with relevant local customers.

How would you compare Local Ads to other advertising channels like radio, TV, etc.?

We’ve been 100% digital for a while now, but from time to time we would do radio and newspaper. Those avenues only got more and more expensive as we saw fewer results and diminishing returns overall. With Local Ads, we can begin to quantify things.

What has been your favorite Chevy campaign and why?

I really liked the “Heroes deserve a great discount” campaign back in April, highlighting the Chevrolet military discount. It was a very simple, but nice and clean piece.

chevy dealer digital marketing

Example of Chevrolet’s “Heroes deserve a great discount” campaign

It performed really well with our local audience, too. We boosted it, but you could tell that our Facebook followers were reading it and had an opinion on it, which is what we want. We want people talking about us. It keeps us relevant and creates a conversation.

How has the Chevrolet Promoboxx platform saved you time given your daily responsibilities at work?

We used to always struggle with putting content up on Facebook. We knew we had to, but we just didn’t have anyone creative enough to come up with new ideas every week. That, or we just simply didn’t have the time or resources.

Before, we were uploading our own stuff, and we weren’t very good at it. We would take our own pictures, not very professional. Promoboxx gives us easy access to content that offers a very professional presentation, helping to make us look good online.

What is your biggest piece of advice for dealers just starting on Promoboxx?

I don’t want other dealers to know about Promoboxx [laughs]. It gives us a great competitive advantage. I just love it and what it does for us.

If I was going to give some advice, though, I’d tell them to have someone at their dealership that understands what Facebook is and can be. Let them play around with it and give them the freedom to try new things.

It’s a matter of figuring out what works best for you. Dip your toes in, and don’t be disappointed if you don’t see results right off the bat. It’s all about experimenting.

A special thanks to Jerry for taking the time to speak with us! Be sure to check out Jerry Haggerty Chevrolet on Facebook, Twitter, and their website.

Want to make digital marketing easy for your dealers? Promoboxx can help.

With Promoboxx, leading brands like Chevrolet give their local dealers access to professional marketing content for promotion across key digital channels, all co-branded to highlight both the brand and the dealership.

By leveraging Promoboxx, brands extend national messaging and amplify brand awareness at the local level, all while providing their dealers with an effective, easy-to-use digital marketing solution.

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