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Connect Your National Brand Channels with Content Discovery


Announcing New Improvements to our Content Discovery Feature

Give your retailers access to even more brand-approved posts with Content Discovery! Content Discovery connects retailers to your national brand channels allowing retailers to customize and share content that has been promoted on a your national Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube channels. 

With Content Discovery, retailers can browse through dozens of extra brand-approved posts and choose and customize what resonates with their unique store identity.  This means your retailers have even more opportunities to create a personalized connection with your customers.

Content Discovery is automatically updated every 24 hours on the platform, so new content is available just as frequently as it’s posted. This fresh supply of current national content helps maintain the visibility and relevance of your brand to both retailers and consumers.

You can also easily create Promoboxx campaigns via Content Discovery – building off of your existing national content and customizing it for a retailer’s audience. You can send email invitations to promote these campaigns or remind retailers to take advantage of these marketing assets by clicking their Recommended National Content tab. Now it’s easier than ever for you to re-purpose national content for retailer campaigns!

Don’t worry, if you want to control specific shares that a retailer sees, you can easily remove access in Promoboxx.

To learn more about connecting your National Brand Channels for Content Discovery, click here: Brand Facing Content Discovery Connection Instructions