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Custom Fields: New Promoboxx Feature that Helps Brands, Help Retailers


Custom Fields is a relatively new feature on the Promoboxx platform. It allows brands to ask their retailers a series of quick questions when they first sign up for the platform. The answers to those questions help brands to better understand their retailers and meet their needs.

Electrolux Canada, New Promoboxx Userpromoboxx custom fields

As a brand just getting set up on Promoboxx, Electrolux Canada has been taking full advantage of the Custom Fields feature. The company has chosen ten questions that all of its dealers are required to answer as they set up their account in Promoboxx.

Custom Fields Create More Engaged Dealers

Some of the questions are for basic purposes, allowing Electrolux to segment dealers into divisions based on their sales rep, region, and province. By having dealers input that data into the platform, Electrolux can run targeted campaigns for divisions or regions. Dealers love when brands do targeted campaigns. The main reason? They benefit from promoting content that is most relevant to their stores’ locations.

Custom Fields Provide Store Insights to the Brand

Other Custom Field questions were designed to help Electrolux understand what product lines the stores carry, their market size, and who their target demographic is. That knowledge helps the brand create content, including social media content, that is relevant to the store and its followers.

With this feature, brands can also ask their dealers what kind of content they are interested in sharing. Dealers are on the front line and know their customers better than anyone; Electrolux is utilizing that knowledge after asking retailers for their opinions.

Try Out Custom Fields Today!

From segmenting dealers in the platform to creating relevant content, Custom Fields is a quick and easy feature that brands can use to better serve dealers and get the most out of the Promoboxx platform! Contact your Promoboxx Brand Account Manager or fill out this quick form.