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Electrolux Empowers Retailers With Co-Branded Content


Co-marketing success leads to acquisitions. Bold statement, but consider the news that Electrolux Major Appliances recently acquired General Electric’s appliances division for $3.3 billion, leading to 40% control of the industry in North America. For the team here at Promoboxx, we would like to think we are a contributing factor to their success.

Electrolux North America first partnered with us in August 2013 to find a scalable solution for the distribution of their online marketing assets for retailers. Additionally, Electrolux wanted to foster a stronger relationship between the brand and its retailers by empowering them to become better online marketers and ambassadors for the brand.

Electrolux Retailer CommentsThrough Promoboxx’s brand-to-retail digital platform, Electrolux supplies its retailers with a consistent mix of educational and promotional campaigns with customization options. Retailers can log into the platform, browse the content Electrolux has provided for them, and share out campaigns applicable to their specific retail business.

In addition, Electrolux has the ability to track both consumer and retailer engagement validating the importance of their retailers as a marketing asset.

The Results

  • 90% Retailers Active on the Platform
  • 79% Average Retailer Engagement
  • 16.5 Retailer Actions To-Date
  • 742K Consumer Visits To-Date

Through a 2014 Retailer Survey, retailers reported having a positive experience with the platform and a heightened connection with the brand, which is directly reflected in Electrolux’s impressive results.

The Aligned Conference

Electrolux’s own Todd Scott will be speaking about navigating the retailer feedback loop at the upcoming Aligned Conference. Todd has honed his skills at General Mills, Regis Corporation and Best Buy. He currently leads digital retail marketing programs at Electrolux Major Appliances NA and is a member of Promoboxx’s advisory board.  Register today to hear him speak!

Read more from their case study >>