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Email Remains Top Way For Retailers To Engage Customers


Multichannel marketing is vital to retailers because they need to be where their customers are, and these days they are everywhere. One of the many channels that Promoboxx allows retailers to promote their localized content through is email.

Email sometimes gets a bad rep and is often overshadowed by social media. However, email remains one of the most powerful channels for retailers to engage customers on. In fact, according to an ExactTarget Study 77% of consumers prefer to receive marketing communications through email. Recent studies like this serve as a reminder that email is far from dead and actually work extremely well for retail marketing.

Why Email Wins At Retail MarketingScreen-Shot-2013-10-23-at-12.37.08-PM

  • 76% of consumers who get retailer emails not only read them, but also use them for shopping
  • Fewer than 8% of people said they “never” click through a retailer’s email
  • There now are more than 3 billion active email accounts worldwide
  • 91% of consumers reported checking their email at least once a day
  • 44% of email recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email

The statistics above are just a few pulled from Advertising Age’s recent report on Retail Marketing, which covers both the online and offline future of retail marketing. Promoboxx is a digital solution helping brands collaborate with retailers to better reach the local consumer. Although it is important to not focus on just one channel, it is clear that email is still an important player in the game of marketing. How are you using email to win over customers?