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Faces of Promoboxx: Rebecca Miller


Promoboxx is excited to welcome our Marketing Intern, Rebecca Miller. Rebecca is a Senior at Clark University studying Communication and Culture with a minor in Management. She is the President of Clark University’s Student Alumni Relations Committee and was most recently the Marketing and Sales Intern at MediaMate LLC. We are happy to welcome Rebecca to our team! To get to know her better, we asked her a few questions. Take a look at her answers below!

What made you want to join the Promoboxx team? image
When I learned about Promoboxx, I was inspired by the enthusiasm, innovation, and collaboration that I saw within the entire team. That type of energy is super crucial to the success of a startup and I immediately wanted to be a part of it!

Deserted on an island, what three things do you bring?
A best friend, a survival guide, and a boat.

Best book you’ve ever read?
Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman.

What is one of your favorite things to do in Boston?
During the summer months, I love walking along the Rose Kennedy Greenway. The space is so beautiful, while also being full of urban excitement. I love the combination of greenery and amazing city views.

Do you have any hobbies?
I really enjoy taking photographs. Whenever I’m in a new place, you can usually find me toting around my large SLR camera.

What’s your favorite independent business in Boston?
Ernesto’s Pizza in the North End makes some of the best pizza that I’ve ever eaten. It is a hidden gem that is delicious and affordable!

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