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Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Alexandra Laird


Meet Promoboxx’s new Director of Advertising, Alexandra Laird! We are so excited to welcome Alexandra to our team, and to get to know her better, we asked her a few questions. Check out her answers below!

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

I studied psychology – humans are fascinating! – then began my career in consulting at Rosetta, a Publicis agency, creating digital marketing strategies for brands based on consumer insights.

I then joined Facebook in 2011 and spent the past 4 ½ years in a variety of roles guiding brands on how to leverage the platform. It was extremely gratifying to see some of the world’s largest brands take advantage of Facebook’s massive scale and accuracy to reach the right people, ultimately driving in-store sales and real results for their business.

I was lucky to witness dramatic growth and change at Facebook, and I learned an enormous amount from my talented managers and colleagues. I’m eager to apply what I’ve learned to my role at Promoboxx managing our advertising products and partnerships.

What made you want to join the Promoboxx team?

Faces of Promoboxx - Alex Laird

Welcome, Alexandra!

Meeting the team. I was able to meet with a number of Promoboxx’ers (that’s a word, right?) before joining, and I immediately picked up on everyone’s genuine enthusiasm for the company and for our clients. It’s clear that the entire team is driven by a desire to empower brands and their independent retailers to do great local digital marketing. I’m excited to be a part of that mission.

What’s your favorite independent business in Boston?

There are many – I’m lucky to live near Promoboxx HQ in Boston’s beautiful South End. I moved here recently, and the fabulous independent retailers in the neighborhood were a major draw. Frequently visited establishments include: Formaggio, Coppa, Siena Farms and Flour – not coincidentally all food-related.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

If you can’t explain it in one sentence, you don’t understand it well enough to convince anyone else.

What do you admire most in a brand?

Authenticity. Not easy to do well – but when it works, it’s very impactful. People want to connect with brands on a human level, which is one of the reasons independent retailers are so crucial.

What is one of your favorite things to do in Boston?

An evening run or walk from the South End up through the Public Garden and on to the Esplanade – perfect mix of interesting people-watching, natural beauty and Boston charm.

Do you have any hobbies?

Cooking, reading, singing & music in general, hiking & being outside, learning about & connecting with people – and especially doing any of those activities with my husband, four younger sisters and family & friends.

Interested in working at Promoboxx? We’re always looking for talented individuals; email us at!