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Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Chloe Chalakani


The Promoboxx team continues to grow! We’d like you to meet our new Retail Support Specialist, Chloe Chalakani. We are so excited to welcome Chloe to our team, and to get to know her better, we asked her a few questions. Check out the answers below!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I call the coast of New Jersey home, but I moved to Massachusetts almost two months ago (time flies) after graduating from American University in Washington, DC. There I received a degree in Public Communications and Marketing. During my final two years at AU, I interned at an events production company and eventually took on a full-time role after graduation.

What made you want to join the Promoboxx team?

At first it was a desperate desire to move to the Boston area, but after speaking to the Promoboxx retail team (and meeting the rest of the team), it was the unfailing love for retailers and small business that really got me hooked. It struck me that everyone at Promoboxx really loved what they were doing and that the company had the kind of environment that I would be very lucky to be a part of.

What’s your favorite independent business in Boston?

This one is tough as I just moved here, but I think I would have to go with Boutique Fabulous in Inman Square. I stopped in one night during a stressful bout of apartment hunting, and the folks behind the counter were so sweet. The shop has everything you didn’t know you needed in your home. I could spend hours just looking around.

Deserted on an island, what three things do you bring?

  1. Seltzer. I love seltzer so much.
  2. Quinoa pasta from Trader Joe’s
  3. As many of my loved ones as I could fit in a suitcase (does this count?)

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

You are nothing if you are not adaptable.

Best book you’ve ever read?

Most recently I’ve been enjoying the Game of Thrones series, but when I was a bit younger, Jellicoe Road, by Melina Marchetta, made quite an impression.

Do you have any hobbies?

I love to sing and play roller derby, though I don’t get to do much of either these days. I’m working on it! I also love trying new restaurants and bars.

Interested in working at Promoboxx? We’re always looking for talented individuals. Email us at!

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