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Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Chris Jennison


Meet Promoboxx’s new Web Developer, Chris Jennison! We are so excited to welcome Chris to our team, and to get to know him better, we asked him a few questions. Check out his answers below!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.


Welcome, Chris!

I am a soon-to-be undergraduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, getting a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Information Security. I currently have an Associates in Media from Greenfield Community College.

I’ve worked in computer science for video game companies, as well as for the United States Geological Survey as a Graphic Information Systems Web Developer. I grew up in northwest Massachusetts in a town called Greenfield.

What made you want to join the Promoboxx team?

The team and the goal are what made me want to join Promoboxx. After growing up in a town of very few big box stores, I can see and appreciate the importance of our local retailers. Being backed by the awesome team we have at Promoboxx, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to join the group.

What’s your favorite independent business in Boston?

I love local breweries. So far, I’ve really enjoyed all of the beers that Meadhall in Cambridge has come to offer. A lot of business in Western Mass. comes from our local breweries selling to local independent bars. Places like Meadhall remind me of the real love and respect a small business can have for local breweries.

Deserted on an island, what three things do you bring?

  1. A reliable multi-tool
  2. A sturdy canteen
  3. Solar-powered/crank flashlight

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

Pace yourself and work hard but always take breaks and make time, or you’ll burn the candle from both ends. – My father.

Do you have any hobbies?

I love playing video games, mostly team-based competitive games. I’ve played in some professional competitions.

What is something that not many people know about you?

I learned Arabic and Russian early in my career with the intent of joining the Department of Defense after graduating but later decided against it.

Interested in working at Promoboxx? We’re always looking for talented individuals; email us at!