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Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Mansi Mohnani


Meet Promoboxx’s new Director of Retail Products, Mansi Mohnani! We are so excited to welcome Mansi to our team, and to get to know her better, we asked her a few questions. Check out her answers below!

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

faces of promoboxx

Welcome, Mansi!

At 17, I headed to Boston from Lagos, Nigeria (Indian by nationality). I was living on my own for the first time (thousands of miles away from home) to get a degree in Business Administration (with a dual concentration in Finance & Information Systems) at Boston University.

From Finance & Information Systems to Product, you might ask? At a Boston University career fair, there was a table run by Vistaprint, and it was there that I found my entry into the Product world.

Seven years at Vistaprint (now called Cimpress) gave me wonderful hands-on experience in product management. While there I: 

  • Launched 10+ products (business cards to stickers)  from conceptualization to execution
    • Worth $100M+ in revenue
  • A/B tested multiple UX flows to increase conversion rate and average order value
  • Executed customer and competitive research to better understand the landscape and customer needs

What made you want to join the Promoboxx team?

The passion.

When I first met the team it was very obvious to me that every Promoboxx’er is passionate about the company, the product and what they do. Also, everyone is so SMART, and what better way to learn than from your team? I am super excited to be a part of Promoboxx. #BelieveInRetailers 

What’s your favorite independent business in Boston?

I live to eat and drink, and I LOVE Cambridge, so I will have to say – Green Street for drinks and Oleana for food.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

The best advice I have ever been given is from my dad: the two most powerful words, “I CAN”

What do you admire most in a brand?

The impact that a brand can have in people’s lives.

When a brand makes a decision to care for people (whether it be customers or employees), they can really change the way the world thinks.

What is one of your favorite things to do in Boston?

Explore new/unique restaurants and bars. I actually have this massive sheet where I keep track of this: Boston restaurants to try.

What is something that not many people know about you?

I won a beauty pageant back in Nigeria.

Interested in working at Promoboxx? We’re always looking for talented individuals; email us at!