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Faces of Promoboxx: Meet Navin Jain


The Promoboxx team continues to grow! We’d like you to meet our new Senior Enterprise Sales Representative, Navin Jain. We are so excited to welcome Navin to our team, and to get to know him better, we asked him a few questions. Check out the answers below!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born and raised in Massachusetts and have spent my entire life in (what I think is) the greatest state in the country. I consider myself to be an official Bostonian, with the Patriots, Celtics, Red Sox, and Bruins being my favorite teams. I went to college in Wellesley at Babson College, where I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship.

I have been working in sales my entire life, which includes selling insurance plans on graphing calculators and laptops and stopping people abruptly in the mall to ask them “What kind of cell phone do you have” to developing relationships with Fortune 500 organizations. Prior to joining Promoboxx, I was at a startup out of Silicon Valley helping them in a variety of different roles.

What made you want to join the Promoboxx team?

The organization’s history and ability to grow organically really interested me when I was looking for my next role. Promoboxx’s ability to be profitable and develop a very impressive customer list was very intriguing. After meeting members of the team and learning more about the solution, I knew that this was the place where I would be able to grow professionally, while also helping the organization continue its growth.

What’s your favorite independent business in Boston?

One place that I go to (probably far too often than I should) is Bon Me. I started going to the food trucks in Dewey Square, and after they opened up a location near my home, I have since become a regular. There’s not a bad item on the menu, and it’s some of the best food you will eat.

What do you admire most in a brand?

One thing I admire most in a brand is their ability to create a true following. When you purchase something, whether it may be shoes or a car, you tend to stick with the brand that you’ve purchased before because you are comfortable with them.

What is one of your favorite things to do in Boston?

One of my favorite things to do in Boston (and a place I always bring family and friends) is visit Faneuil Hall/Quincy Market. There is so much to do while you’re roaming around those cobblestone paths, and you get to see so many different things.

During Christmas, you get to see Boston’s Christmas tree and the great light show they put on. You’re able to buy almost anything at one of the carts in Quincy Market, and I always stop by and see Red with his Cigar. Also, there are tons of great restaurants and bars to hang out at with friends.

What is something that not many people know about you?

I’d like to think the fact that I competed in Bhangra (Indian Dance) would be something not a lot of people knew, but that secret doesn’t stay hidden long as there are a few YouTube videos out there that cannot be archived…

One thing that many people don’t know is that I studied American Kenpo for seven years and am a first-degree Black Belt. I started in the first grade and continued until I moved. Karate has been a huge benefit for me as it taught me patience and the ability to focus on what is most important.

Do you have any hobbies?

I have always enjoyed playing basketball, volleyball, and other sports with friends. I like to travel, and I can say that I have driven from Boston, through Texas to California, and back to Boston within a week.

I also enjoy watching movies and TV shows, such as Westworld, Game of Thrones, all the Marvel movies, and others.

Interested in working at Promoboxx? We’re always looking for talented individuals. Email us at!

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