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Feature Review: Beautiful Landing Pages in under 4 Minutes with Campaign Builder


When making improvements to our campaign building tool, we keep retail marketers and creative teams in mind and ask ourselves three key questions: Is it easy to use? Is it beautiful/effective? And most importantly, does it save time and resources? Take a look at how our campaign builder aces all three tests.

Build a Campaign in Under 4 Minutes

We know how time-strapped you are. Think of putting your campaign content on Promoboxx as the easiest thing to cross off of your long list of to-do’s. Instead of making co-marketing with your retailers a laborious task, Promoboxx’s campaign builder lays a solid foundation and structure for an effective, beautifully designed campaign. Check out our explainer video to see just how easy it is to construct a campaign on Promoboxx and share it with all or a subset of your retailers within minutes:

Easy-to-Use Interface with Complete Back-end Control

As demonstrated in the video, the campaign builder allows for both the use of preloaded landing page templates that have proven to catch the eyes of consumers, as well as complete back-end HTML customization if your creative teams want to add in extras, like terms of use footers. And the best part? Once you take the few minutes to create your campaign, Promoboxx does virtually everything else for you.

360 Retailer Customization, Communication, and Support

From sending out invitation emails to your whole retail network or a chosen group of them, to customizing your campaigns to include locations and maps of your individual retailers, Promoboxx takes care of all the retailer customization and communication leg work for you. And if your retailers have any questions about the campaign once they’ve received an invitation to promote it? Our Retail Activation Team has you covered and will help retailers with every step of the process and answer any questions that they may have along the way.

Extend Your Bandwidth and Improve Relationships with Retailers

Not only does this save you time and resources, but it also enables you to support all of your retailers rather than having to focus on your key accounts. Those smaller mom-and-pop stores, who are far too often neglected due to the size and time limitations of the vast majority of retail marketing teams, will finally get the support that they need. The more that retailers feel supported by you as a brand, the more likely they are to sell your products. Retailers sell what they know. Having more retailers on your side is a necessity to success that often gets overlooked due to brand’s inability to customize for the smaller guys, who’s sales will often net you the biggest profit margins. Promoboxx eliminates the problems of limited bandwidth and provides all of your retailers with the brand support that they want and need.

Sleek New Templates

Your retailers will also love how professionial the content you provide them looks, and even more so becuase it will be customized to showcase their unique retail location, increasing the awareness of where to buy your products. Take a look at these campaign examples built in just minutes with our preloaded Promoboxx templates, designed with both retailer and consumer in mind:

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Promoboxx’s campaign builder eradicates the frustrations and limitations of co-marketing with retailers and makes things easy, beautiful, and scalable. It brings both quality and quantity, while streamlining the entire process to create more alignment between manufacturing brands and their independent retailers.

Fill out the form below to see how Promoboxx can help you get your job done easier, quicker, and more efficiently.