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Instagram Automation Best Practices


Industry Insight: 

A big mistake that companies make is treating Instagram like Facebook. Content that works on Facebook doesn’t always translate well to Instagram. Instagram campaigns should be more inspirational/evergreen vs. product/timely shared content. 

Facebook is largely informational. You can find out things about a company through its Facebook Page whether it’s business hours, an address, or upcoming events. 

Facebook historically has always focused on text because it’s detail driven. That’s why it takes longer to create a profile on Facebook than it does on Instagram, they serve different purposes. Instagram is about capturing moments. People don’t open Instagram to find out your company’s business hours or to see if their friends have been to your store. They use Instagram to engage. That’s what makes it so effective for building your brand and gaining popularity.

Additional insights on Instagram vs. Facebook:

Which is best for your brand’s strategy?

What’s better for organic brand building?