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Promoboxx Adds Instagram to Suite of Local Ads Channels [Product Update]


We are excited to announce the addition of Instagram as our latest channel offering through Promoboxx Local Ads! After a highly successful pilot, Instagram is now a core component of the Promoboxx Local Ads program, joining Facebook and mobile display.

Launched earlier this year, Promoboxx Local Ads extends brand content, targeting, and media mix to local retailers, where both benefit from reaching nearby customers on mobile devices and driving them in-store.

Why Offer Instagram Advertising Capabilities?

With more than 500 million active users and 300 million daily active users, Instagram has become a major heavyweight in the world of digital advertising. We have watched the brands we work with take note of this in their national advertising, with 48.8% of US companies using Instagram advertising in 2016.

With this in mind, we knew it was time for us to help brands take advantage of this massive opportunity on a hyper-local level with their retail partners.

Why Advertise with Local Retailers?

Brand marketers struggle to reach consumers on mobile devices with where-to-buy messaging that actually comes from the local retailer.

Retailers have the locally-relevant advantage – they know their customers best. However, they rarely have the resources to produce professional advertising content, let alone the bandwidth required to run targeted ad campaigns across multiple mobile channels.

By advertising through their retail network, national brands can amplify local awareness for their products while helping retailers reach consumers where they are now spending a majority of their time in a targeted, effective way.

Advertising with Your Retailers on Instagram

Instagram is just one of the latest advertising channels for brands and their retailers to capitalize on, home to unique opportunities and demographics.

the north face promoboxx local ads on instagram

Example Local Ad for The North Face on Instagram

With visuals at the forefront, Instagram also has the power to move people–inspiring them to see a business in a new light or take a particular action.

According to Instagram

  • 50% of Instagram users follow a business
  • 60% of people say that they learn about a product or service on Instagram
  • 75% of Instagram users take action after being inspired by a post, either visiting a website, searching, shopping, or telling a friend

By adding Instagram to our suite of Local Ads channels, we will only continue to help brands and retailers meaningfully connect and engage consumers on mobile devices in a scalable, efficient way.

Promoboxx Local Ads: Help Retailers Reach Qualified Customers and Drive Them In-Store

Join the ranks of The North Face, New Balance, GE Appliances, and Trek Bikes who are already teaming up with their local retailers to bring new customers in-store. Get started now.

To see the power of Local Ads in action, find out how New Balance drove in-store sales by running targeted Facebook ads with Fleet Feet retailers >

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