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Just In: Updated Retailer Dashboard

Hey! Retailers, you may have noticed a few changes on your Promoboxx dashboard. That’s because we’ve updated a few things. Let me walk you through the changes, and as always – any feedback is welcome!

Brand Notifications

At the top is a Notifications section. Here you’ll find the latest in any upcoming events from your Brands. If a campaign is about to launch, or end – you’ll find those details in the Notifications section.

Consumer Activity Updates

In the top right, you’ll notice there’s a Consumer Activity box. This box holds the latest in actions a consumer has taken on any of your live campaigns. Whether it’s a Facebook like or share, a Twitter retweet, or a lead capture – you’ll find a summery of these in your Consumer Activity box.

Support Contact Details

Also on the right, you’ll notice a Support section. Our Retailer Support team – composed of Brand Client Marketers – is always ready to help with any questions you might have. So, we make that contact information readily available.

Active Campaigns List

Last, but certainly not least, is a Active Campaigns feed – front and center of your dashboard. This feed details all of the active campaigns available to you. From this section, you can opt-in to a campaign, edit a campaign’s details, or share a campaign again on your online marketing channels.

Let us know what you think in a comment below!