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Match: A Better Way to Support Local Retailers


It’s with great pleasure that I get to introduce Promoboxx Match, a first-of-its kind retailer incentive program built to make retailers better marketers, fast.

Promoboxx-Match With Match, manufacturing brands can now reward retailers for their marketing actions on Promoboxx, and retailers redeem those rewards for local advertisements. Promoboxx Match allows brands to target nearby customers, create better retailer marketers, and most importantly, drive more sales. Our launch customers include Reebok, Electrolux, Volkswagen, Mizuno, Mohawk Industries, General Electric, Timberland and Trek Bicycle.

We built Match because, after launching 2,300 digital marketing campaigns for dozens of top Fortune 500 brands, we saw two big things missing from manufacturing brand marketing. One, a better way to incentivize retailers for the actions that they take on the Promoboxx platform. Two, a better way to target advertising dollars locally. After the launch of Match, we built something that does both.

Where Is Match Redeemed?

We’ve partnered with CraveLabs, a Boston-based hyperlocal mobile ads platform to power our first Match channel. The CraveLabs platform allows us to programmatically run mobile ads at high value CPMs while hitting micro spend levels that retailers could never achieve on their own. The 2015 focus of Match redemption is hyperlocal mobile, but we see Match growing into other channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and additional paid media channels.

How Do Retailers Redeem Match?

Promoboxx-Match-StepsAfter taking the required marketing action you’ve set as the brand in Promoboxx (ie: sharing on social, sending an email, or adding a banner on-website) retailers can then redeem Match rewards in three easy steps. All they do is: 1) Choose an ad, 2) Locate where they would like to target the ad, and 3) Click Start Advertising! This is what redeeming Match looks like to the retailer:

Match Process

For Top Brands, The Results Are In

Reebok, Electrolux, Volkswagen, Mizuno, Mohawk Industries, General Electric, Timberland, and Trek Bicycle are already rewarding their retailers with Match and attracting more customers in-store. There have been drastic increases in both retailer and consumer engagement, reporting an increase in retailer engagement by 8x and consumer in-store traffic by 2x.

Jeremy McKinley, Trek Bicycle’s Retail Marketing Manager comments, “We’ve been with Promoboxx for a couple of years now and have been very happy with the innovative programs that they offer. It’s always a challenge to localize national promotions, and with the Match program I was able to show our retailers that we were pushing awareness and, ultimately, traffic directly to their doors.”

The opportunity is not lost on his retailers. Trek Bicycle of Mount Pleasant states, “You guys are making me wildly successful. Thanks!”

Read what Footwear Plus had to say about Match helping local retailers!