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Meet Johanna Fiedler, One Of Promoboxx’s Retail Activation Managers


Johanna Fiedler is Promoboxx’s newest addition to the Client Services team at Promoboxx. As a Retail Activation Manager, Johanna is an expert at helping the thousands of retailers in Promoboxx use our product and launch digital marketing campaigns. She has a gift for wowing our precious retailers and making her co-workers laugh on a daily basis. We asked Johanna a few questions to get to know her better – enjoy!

Q. Tell us about yourself in a tweet! (140 characters or less)

A. @Johannafiedler: #BU alum. #Boston native. #3 lucky number. #Psychology passion. #Social media focused. #Australia study abroad. #Witty humor. #Happy life.

Q. What is one of your favorite things to do in Boston?

A. I love finding new and hidden gems around Boston! Whether it’s a place to eat with my roommates, grab a drink with my friends or co-workers, or go for a run by myself.

Q. What made you want to join the Promoboxx team?

A. I originally joined the Promoboxx team as an intern looking for social media marketing experience and a company I felt passionate about. By the end of my internship, I felt so connected to Promoboxx that I couldn’t fathom leaving!

Q. Do you have any hobbies?

A. Some say I have a knack for finding funny pictures and YouTube videos online…Not sure if that counts as a hobby though!

Q. What is something that not many people know about you?

A. I’m a bit of an adrenaline junky. I went skydiving and bungee jumping (twice!) in one day while I studied abroad in Australia – but no worries, I usually keep my feet on the ground in Boston.

Q. What’s your favorite independent business in Boston?

A. Angora Café on Commonwealth Ave — a local retailer with amazing food, a fun feel and exceptional service! The owner knows my name and favorite orders by heart and always expresses his appreciation for the loyalty I have to their business.