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Meet Taylor, Promoboxx’s Newest Client Marketing Manager

Q. Tell us about yourself in a tweet! (140 characters or less)

A. Wannabe Mainer. Budding chef. Country music fan. History nerd. Sushi fanatic. Curious, enthusiastic and terrible at math.

Q. What is one of your favorite things to do in Boston?

A. I love showing off Boston to anyone visiting by doing what my roommate and I call “The Visitor Walk.” We start in the North End, make our way to Charles St., stroll through the Common to  Newbury St.,  through the Back Bay and  finally walk down the Rose Kennedy Greenway. You get a feel for the city in a day and  everything is so beautiful and historic!

Q. What made you want to join the Promoboxx team?

A. I knew I was going to sign on with Promoboxx when I had “that feeling”. It was kind of like when you were touring colleges and you all of a sudden knew the one that was right for you. The position was perfect, the people amazing, and the product extremely exciting.

Q. Where did you grow up, and what brought you to Boston?

A. I grew up in Western Massachusetts in a little town called Longmeadow. I moved to Boston after attending Bates College in Maine. I’m very lucky to have lots of family, home friends and school friends in the city, and it never really occurred to me to go anywhere else!

Q. What is something that not many people know about you?

A. I have a terrible fear of skiing, and read magazines back to front…  I have no idea why.