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Meet the Newest Addition to the Promoboxx Team


This year we’ve hit the ground running! Led in part by our newest team member Janet Comenos, heading up Promoboxx brand relationships as our Director of Sales. We’re pretty excited to have her a part of our team.

Janet came from SCVNGR, covering brand sales and working with clients like Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Neiman Marcus and Bose. Not too shabby. And outside of work, she writes creatively (not just proposals ;)), records original music as a classically trained pianist, and plays lots of tennis.

At Promoboxx, Janet will oversee sales and brand relationship development. Her goal is to better connect brands and retailers by helping these brands launch robust brand-to-retailer (B2R) marketing campaigns via the Promoboxx platform.

Fun fact? We also recently discovered that she’s known to scour antique stores nationwide in search of unique canes to add to her crazy collection. Pretty fascinating. Just ask her about it sometime.

With our A-Team complete, we’re convinced this is our year and we’re taking 2012 head on. How’s your year starting out? Could your brand benefit from a stronger relationship with its retailers? Then we can definitely help. Just contact Janet at janet [at] promoboxx [dot] com.