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New Feature: Retailer Status Reporting

Ever received an email asking you to do something you already did? Maybe a friend mass emails “Sorry for those getting this twice! Just wanted to remind those of you who have not signed up for softball this weekend to do so!” We all have. They clog up your inbox and you wish they could email only those who need to be reminded. You are the responsible one, but what’s the point if you get the reminder emails anyways?

The Promoboxx team feels the same way, and with all the retailer email communications we send out, we want to make sure retailers are only getting fed relevant information. To help achieve this, we have introduced Retailer Status to our platform. It’s an easy way to keep tabs on which of your retailers are active or dormant. Think of it as your very own retailer CRM!

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With this new feature, you can target retailers who are unreachable, or perhaps they just haven’t promoted content in a while. A few of the statuses include:

Pending: These guys were invited to join Promoboxx, but have yet to activate. Great for getting feedback on why they might not be interested in the platform. This status also has a fairly good ability to help us fish out outdated email addresses.

Engaged: Your biggest brand advocates. These retailers promote your campaigns on a regular basis and are just waiting to be rewarded with an exclusive campaign of their own.

Dormant: These retailers were previously a huge fan of your brand, but have fallen off the wagon. Although usually because of staff turnover at the store, there’s a slight chance it’s because they don’t like the content anymore.

Inactive: They have reached out to our Support Team and asked us to deactivate their account. This status is most useful for cleansing your retailer database.

The new status feature can be used to send targeted emails based on the situation of each retailer, but can also be useful for getting a pulse on who is interested in your content, who is your biggest advocate, and who no longer sells your product. In the age in which big data is at your fingertips, make sure you are taking the steps to keep your valuable retailer data up-to-date!

Interested in the Retailer Status feature? Contact your Promoboxx Brand Account Manager or fill out the contact us form to get started!

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