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New Statistics: Now Is the Time to Gear Up for Mobile Shopper Marketing

This is huge! 65% of all emails are now opened first on mobile devices!

This is huge! 65% of all emails are now opened first on mobile devices!

“Making the Case for Mobile-Optimized Email: The Numbers,” a post that Deb Papp wrote for the Lyris blog, presents some compelling statistics about the growing power of mobile marketing.

Yet there is more to her post than dry numbers. When you put them all together, they show that the use of in-store mobile advertising is growing at the same time that shoppers are relying on it more.

The result? An opportunity for you to sell more if you ramp up your mobile shopper marketing efforts soon.

Let’s Look at the Statistics

Papp gathered the following statistics from a variety of sources, including Experian, Litmus, Movable Ink, and Pew. Here’s what she found . . .

Mobile use is booming – No surprise here, you say? Yet the statistics that Papp reports could surprise you. In 2014, 4.55 billion people worldwide are using mobile phones. Usage is predicted to reach 8 billion by 2016. “Mobile users interact with brands wherever, whenever, and however they want,” Papp writes, “and expect a seamless experience doing it.”

Mobile shopper marketing is already happening, big time – Papp reports that 96% of mobile users currently research products or services on their mobiles. Also, 58% of mobile users make purchases in stores based on the information they find.

You have to get your messages just right – Sixty-five percent of all emails are now opened first on mobile devices, but 97% of all emails are read only once.  The message? There’s a big opportunity to reach mobile shoppers, but also a big challenge to get your message just right.


Tablets are about to become much bigger players in mobile shopper marketing – One in 10 people could own tablets by the year 2016, when more than 780 million will be in use worldwide. Although sheer usage lags behind that of smartphones, Papp writes that, “More tablets in the hands of consumers are especially good news for business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers.”

Here are two reasons why . . .

  • Tablet-toting customers already spend 54% more than smartphone users do.
  • Fully 56% of tablet users rate their devices as “useful for shopping,” vs. 38% of smartphones users.

We’re Already There and You Should Be TooMOBILE MARKETING CALLOUT BOX IV

If the numbers that Papp published are any indication, the aid of smartphones and tablets in consumer shopping isn’t going anywhere any time fast -with the use of smartphones almost doubling in the course of two years.  In order to succeed as a business, it is essential to adapt to market changes and to reach consumers where they are.  Have you ever realized that you’ve forgotten your phone at home and felt suddenly vulnerable and naked?  That’s because people are quite literally attached to their phones by the hip in today’s technology consumed world.  If a consumer is in one of your retailers’ stores, it is crucial to get your product in front of them and set yourself apart from the competition –and there’s no better way to do that than mobile

Whether you would like to get started with in-store mobile shopper marketing or you need to increase your marketing programs with your independent retailers, you don’t have to start on the ground level. Contact Promoboxx to ask for a demonstration.