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A New Year, The Same Retail Focus


A new year brings the opportunity for a fresh start, a new page and the chance to focus on even bigger and better things. At Promoboxx, we also take the time to look back at the year behind us.

As we look at our accomplishments and milestones of 2017, we also look at what has stayed the same – and that is our commitment to connecting and aligning brands with their local retailers. While we look for new opportunities to grow our business, we always ask if these decisions will help our retailers and the brands whose products they sell.

We understand that retailers matter because there is nothing like walking into a local store and being greeted by name or joining a community movie night hosted by your local shop when you want to meet people who share your interests. If you decide to pursue a new hobby like mountain biking, you can go into your local bike shop and say – “I don’t know what I’m doing or what I need, can you help me?” Local businesses have been the backbone of America for many years, and as our Senior Brand Account Manager Andrew Glenn says – “Mom and Pop Shop is too cool of a phrase to let go out of business just to save a few dollars.”

To help our customers dramatically increase local awareness and sales, here are a few of the significant product updates Promoboxx made in 2017:

  • Post-Campaign Surveys that allow retailers to provide invaluable feedback to brands to help optimize ongoing campaigns and document key learnings.
  • An improved Retailer Dashboard that makes it incredibly easy and efficient for retail users to find and promote brand content in Promoboxx.
  • A new mobile app for iOS and Android that lets local retailers run digital marketing on-the-go, anytime and anywhere.
  • Enhancements to our Local Ads feature that allow brands to allocate digital marketing dollars specifically for retailers to spend on paid advertising across Facebook, Instagram, and mobile display. Retailers are more incentivized with budget and brand-approved content at their fingertips!

[Related Content] Get a sneak peek at the product updates that are coming in January!

We’ve also worked hard to expand our home team to be the best we can be. Here are a few highlights:

  • Expansion into new verticals and brought people onboard to help us understand those sectors and the people in them.
  • Held our largest Aligned conference ever –the only national conference that brings together today’s most iconic brands to develop marketing strategy and alignment between national brands and their local retailers.
  • Partnered with The Conservation Alliance, to provide 200+ member brands with stories about land and water conservation opportunities across North America.
  • Created a dedicated onboarding team to connect our new customers to our community and ensure these brands have the most seamless and enjoyable experience on Promoboxx.
  • Earned recognition as one of the Top 10 Coolest Companies in Boston and made BostInno’s 50 on Fire list

We are planning to make 2018 Promoboxx’s best year yet as we continue to focus on the retailer and helping them to succeed alongside their brands. We are predicting that 2018 will hold exciting opportunities for Promoboxx and retailers as the importance of a symbiotic online and offline experience continues to increase. Much more is coming, so you’ll have to stay tuned!

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