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Promoboxx Doubles Down with New Retailer Experience [Product Update]


At Promoboxx, everything we do hinges on the core value, “Believe in Retailers.” To double down on this idea, we’ve updated our platform to make it even easier for retailers to become the best marketers we know they can be.

Contrary to popular belief, retailers are not digitally unsophisticated and are more than capable of being a brand’s best local advertisers. They just need a simple, effective solution that will allow them to fulfill that potential.

With the new Promoboxx retailer experience, we have created unification, making it incredibly easy for retailers to digitally promote all of their brands in a user-friendly interface.

Why Did We Update?

Retailers are strapped for both time and resources, now tasked with promoting multiple brands on their digital channels in order to successfully reach local customers.

With any number of different brand passwords, asset management platforms, and messy materials to deal with, it can be chaotic for them to even begin managing one, let alone all of them.

We make it easier.

As a key function of the update to the Promoboxx retailer experience, we have created a multi-brand dashboard that allows retailers to manage and promote all of their brands within a single interface.

promoboxx retailer experience

This crucially saves retailers valuable time, while also making them more readily capable of promoting their brands digitally (and more likely to do so).

With the new and improved Promoboxx retailer experience, retailers are now only four clicks away from promoting brand content.

What Did We Improve?

Outside of the multi-brand dashboard and its updated, modern design, a number of other improvements have been made to the Promoboxx retailer experience:

Content Calendar Merge:

The new retailer dashboard gives retailers the opportunity to see all of their scheduled social activity in one calendar. This allows them to create an organized marketing promotion schedule for all of their brands.

Retailer-Funded Local Ads:

As we recently announced, Local Ads is now formally a core component of the Promoboxx marketing platform. With Local Ads, retailers are given the option to add any amount of funds to boost their media mix and increase consumer reach.

With the updated retailer dashboard, we have emphasized Local Ads, putting it at the forefront of the experience and providing retailers with even more opportunities to engage local customers.

Local Ads Benefits:

  • Reach new customers outside of existing audiences
  • Highly targeted ads flighted around a physical store location
  • Bring new customers in-store and drive sales

promoboxx local ads

Retailers can rarely execute these kinds of high-level campaigns on their own. We give them the tools to be local marketing champions.promoboxx mobile app

Mobile-Responsive Design

As part of the Promoboxx iOS app (with plans to launch on Android), the new dashboard is designed to be mobile-responsive, making it easier for those retailers on the go!

Here’s what retailers are saying about the new retailer dashboard:

“Overall, this is very modern and intuitive.”

“I am a calendar girl. This helps me greatly with planning out our promotion schedule.”

“Everything is already done. I just have to click a few buttons.”

“Professional quality ads ready to use with a click on a button.”

To keep our local retailers thriving in today’s digital age, it’s crucial that we all work to make it as easy as possible for them to promote their brands on their digital channels. It is through these channels that they are able to nurture existing audiences and amplify local awareness for their stores and the products they sell.

With the new Promoboxx retailer experience, we are paving the way, innovating to make digital marketing as simple and effective as possible.

An easy-to-use digital marketing solution… Greater local awareness for your brand and products… It could all be four clicks away. Contact us and learn more today >

Want to be a retail marketing champion? Join us at #AlignedCon 2016!

We’ll be covering this exciting new platform functionality and more on the training and best practices day at the 2016 Aligned Conference! It’s all happening in Boston on September 14-16th. Learn more about #AlignedCon >