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Promoboxx Launches IG Posting via Desktop


For the past 3+ years, the #1 feature request from the Promoboxx Retailer network has been the ability to post content directly to Instagram. Similarly during that time, Instagram has grown to be a dominant portion of marketing strategies for Brands and their Retailers.  Knowing that Instagram is so important to both our Brand and Retail partners, we made it our goal to make it easier for Retailers to share content from their Brands directly to their Instagram pages.


What does this mean for Retailers?

Through Promoboxx, you can now post directly to Instagram the same way you post to Facebook and Twitter!

What does this mean for Brands?

Retailers with Instagram Business Accounts can now post directly to Instagram via desktop or mobile web with a single click! If you’re not creating Instagram posts, now is the best time to try. Stay tuned for upgraded Instagram reporting – coming soon!