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Promoboxx Loves Detroit


Many people are skeptical about Detroit’s ability to rebuild itself, but we’re not one of them. So, why does a retail marketing start-up in Boston care about Detroit? It’s because we share similar values. Our #1 company value is “Believe in Retailers,” and Detroit loves retailers. More specifically, car dealers.

Since 2008, Detroit car companies have been quietly rebuilding on the backs of American factory workers, innovative brand marketing and advertising teams, and thousands of independent car dealers around the country who sell their products. These brands know that good cars with strong national advertising generates interest, but the sale still happens at the local dealership. This is why dealers are so important to Detroit, and why Detroit is such a fit for Promoboxx.

It also doesn’t hurt that one of our first big brand clients was Chevrolet. In the years after the major auto bailouts, when other brands were cutting back on marketing and product innovation, Chevrolet doubled down and got creative. They picked us to power their premiere local dealer marketing campaign for Super Bowl XLVI. Chevrolet invested in their dealers and in doing so, gave a chance to this start-up from Boston giving us an early front row seat at their rebirth.

To many, the story of Detroit is about demise, but for me, it’s about the rebirth of a uniquely American industry, and the birth of Promoboxx.

Thank you Detroit, we have your back.


Ben Carcio – CEO, Promoboxx