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Retailer Appreciation Month:
Promoboxx Team Celebrates Why Retailers Rule


Promoboxx takes a retailer-first approach in everything we do, and that is why November was declared our first ever Retailer Appreciation Month! It was created to honor the fantastic independent, specialty retailers we get to work with every day. Retailers have a tremendous impact in their local communities, and we love being a part of the journey.  

Throughout the month of November, the Promoboxx Support team ran events, activities, and promotions to support our retailer partners and celebrate their success. We even spent a day working at a local retailer. Here’s a recap of our first ever Retailer Appreciation Month!

We visited Denali Outdoor in Old Saybrook, CT

To get an inside look at the day to day experience of a retailer, some of the Promoboxx team visited Denali Outdoor. During the visit, we were given a tour, met with employees, and even had the opportunity to work behind the register and practice our gift-wrapping techniques! It was more than just the products on the shelves that made the store come to life, it was the knowledgeable staff, the comfortable environment, and the personal touches that surprise and delight customers – ensuring a repeat visit. 

Check out this video from our visit!

More Promoboxx Industry Content

An active and engaging digital marketing presence is essential to bringing customers in-store! That’s why we loaded up even more industry-related and “shop local” style content for retailers to share across their digital channels.

Small Business Spotlight on our Blog

The Promoboxx team talks to retailers every day – but each one has such a unique story! To showcase some of the wonderful people behind the businesses, we interviewed some of the fantastic retailers. Read their stories on our retailer blog.

We Shopped and Lunched Local at Our Office

Promoboxx employees participated in ‘Lunch Local’ as part of Retailer Appreciation Month – this meant dining or shopping at businesses in Boston’s South End, where the office is located. Each employee was given a Shop Local ID – to remind everyone why we each love to support small businesses.

PromoRoxx-Star Recognition

“Believe in Retailers” is a core value here at Promoboxx, so team members recognized each other for their commitment to retailers by naming them as a ‘PromoRoxx-Star’. These cards were hung up in our office for everyone to see. 

We look forward to making Retailer Appreciation Month an annual event. When brands support their independent, specialty retailers, they improve retailer mindshare, increase consumer engagement, and drive local sales.

How do you support local retailers? Tell us with #BelieveInRetailers on Twitter!

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