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Retailers Rule! Dealer Digital Marketing Insights from Lindsay Campbell at Baum Chevrolet Buick


Here at Promoboxx, we believe in retailers, and keeping them engaged in our platform is very important to us. Meeting retailers’ needs is key to having engaged users, which is why we started the Retailers Rule! interview series to share retailer insights across industries and help to better connect them with their brands.

I recently spoke with Lindsay Campbell, Marketing Manager for Baum Chevrolet Buick, to gather key retailer insights into the importance of digital marketing, using the Promoboxx platform and how the dealership interacts with the Chevrolet brand.

Tell us a little bit about your business and your role.

Baum Chevrolet Buick is a GM dealership located in the small community of Clinton, Illinois. Our store is unique because we are in the middle of four cities: Bloomington, Decatur, Champaign and Springfield. I have been the Marketing Manager at the dealership for the past four years. Although I wear many hats, my primary responsibility is to maintain the dealership’s digital presence so that we may continue to communicate with our customers.NewDealershipFront

What has your experience with Promoboxx been like so far?

It’s been great! When it comes to creating interactive content for our social media sites, it can be difficult to come up with new and relevant posts on a daily basis. By utilizing Promoboxx, I am able to post on Facebook and Twitter more often.

What is your favorite Promoboxx feature?

My favorite feature is the “Schedule” option on all content. I try to create our social media content a week in advance, so it’s nice to be able to set up a series of posts for a week and not have to worry about it later. Promoboxx also provides functionality to let me know how many people I have the opportunity to reach.

How does digital content impact your dealership’s success?

Digital content is very important to the success of our dealership because it lets us get our message out instantly to a large group of people. In addition to traditional media, we utilize digital content to help us reach those customers that are located in the small towns just outside of the four major cities in our market. It’s also very cost efficient.

Here’s what their co-branded content looks like:

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 3.26.51 PM

What has been your favorite Chevrolet campaign and why?

That’s a tough question…I really liked the “MaliBOO” campaign that came out just before Halloween. Another good one was the Shop, Click, Drive campaign because it helped create customer interest in the Shop, Click, Drive program.

Here’s what the co-branded Baum Chevrolet Buick MaliBOO! campaign looks like:Screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 8.58.29 AM

How has the Promoboxx platform saved you time given your daily responsibilities at work?

Promoboxx has saved me a TON of time. All I have to do is select the content, schedule the posts, and click share. I can have a campaign activated on Facebook and Twitter within minutes.

What is your biggest piece of advice for retailers just starting out on Promoboxx?

My biggest piece of advice for those who are just starting to use Promoboxx is to make sure that the content is personalized to your business. I’ve had more success with our Promoboxx campaigns when I’ve added a little personal touch. You can edit all Promoboxx campaigns, so I always try to include our dealership name or website to cover the bridge between national promotions and our store. Promoboxx is a great tool, and it’s worth those few minutes a day to utilize campaigns.

A big thanks to Lindsay Campbell, Marketing Manager at Baum Chevrolet Buick, for taking the time to chat and answer our questions! Be sure to check out their website, Twitter, and Facebook page!

Read 5 digital marketing lessons from local retailers>