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Retailers Rule! Flooring Retail Insights With Shant Kaprielian


Here at Promoboxx we LOVE our retailers, and keeping them engaged in our platform is very important to us. The Client Services team constantly reaches out to retailers to help them get activated, to show them new features, and to answer any questions they may have. We also love getting their feedback. Meeting retailers’ needs is key to having engaged users, and we like to check in to see what retailers think of the Promoboxx platform. This interview series shares retailer insights across the industries and helps to better connect brands with their retailers.

Screen Shot 2014-11-11 at 3.38.53 PMAs mentioned in the previous apparel retailer insights, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say and today we will be gaining retailer insights from Shant Kaprielian, Owner of The Great Carpet Company.

What has your experience with Promoboxx been like so far?

My experience with Promoboxx has been nothing but pleasant. The interface is very easy to navigate through and figure out, and the different options in terms of Twitter and Facebook shares have been right up my alley. The process has been very smooth and helpful for me.

How do social media and online marketing content impact your store’s success?

Since I started this movement with social media for my store, I’ve seen a tremendous increase in business. Any time you can get the word out about what you are selling, that is a good thing. In the past, all we had was newspaper ads, TV ads (which are really costly), and some mail ads.

With social media, I can get the word out about my products and store in so many ways. My customers may already know what type of flooring they want. They can now go online to my website and Facebook page and if they like what they see, they call and come into the store.

What has been your favorite Karastan campaign and why? Content type?

If I had to pick, it would be the green-friendly promotions and any campaigns that aim directly at designers. When we share content for designers, we know that we are catering our content to a certain clientele. Designers are really important in the flooring industry.

I also really like Karastan’s new national advertising campaign featuring Ashley Judd. I shared the content through Promoboxx on Twitter and it got favorited by two Ashley Judd fans and it even got retweeted!

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What do you think is the most beneficial way for brands to connect with their retailers? 

I think it is important for brands to participate more in these platforms, so they can help their retailers with marketing. By making this content readily available, it makes it easier for me to promote it. With Promoboxx, I can easily get the word out about new promotions and new products. It has really helped that Karastan has provided this to me.

What is your biggest piece of advice for those retailers just starting on Promoboxx? 

Take part in the platform and get involved! Be consistent with posting content because you will see results. And, it literally takes seven minutes out of my day to check what’s new in the platform.

What is your favorite Promoboxx feature?

I like that Promoboxx will tell me what I posted and how long ago I posted it. It also tells me the expiration dates of campaigns so I know when I should post content.

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Looking back at your experience with online marketing content, how has the Promoboxx platform saved you time as a business owner?

All I need is 7-10 minutes a day to utilize the social media tools. It saves me time and helps me to maintain all of my social media channels by providing me with content. It’s a great program.

A big thanks to Shant for taking the time to talk with us. Stay tuned for more Retailers Rule! interviews.

Check out Shant’s store: The Great Carpet Company on Facebook and Twitter!