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Retailers Rule! Footwear Insights With Phil Young of Running Wild


Here at Promoboxx we LOVE our retailers, and keeping them engaged in our platform is very important to us. The Client Services team constantly reaches out to retailers to help them get activated, to show them new features, and to answer any questions they may have. We also love getting their feedback. Meeting retailers’ needs is key to having engaged users, and we like to check in to see what retailers think of the Promoboxx platform. The Retailers Rule! interview series shares retailer insights across the industries and helps to better connect brands with their retailers.

As mentioned in the previous apparel retailer insights, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say and today we will be gaining retailer insights from Mizuno retailer, Phil Young, Owner of Running Wild.
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What has your experience with Promoboxx been like so far?

It’s been pretty good … I couldn’t say no to signing up because Promoboxx is free and it is here to help me. Promoboxx provides me with the kind of content I have wanted to produce myself, but I really don’t have the time or resources to do so. It’s a great tool for a manager of a small business.

The automations have been the most useful because I really don’t have the time to create content like that myself.

Screen Shot 2014-08-05 at 9.31.37 AMHow do social media and online marketing content impact your store’s success?

As a company, our most powerful tools for marketing and advertising have been customer referral and word of mouth, but the next most effective thing has been social media and especially Facebook. Strong posts with good content effectively get out our message to our customers.

What is your biggest piece of advice for those retailers just starting on Promoboxx?

Sign up for the automations! It saves you time and money and the content is informative for customers.

Do you ever worry about the type of content that Promoboxx will post onto your  Facebook Page and Twitter Handle with our Automation feature?

Truthfully, no. I know that the content is helpful for our store and from what I have seen so far, I really like what’s being posted!

On the call, one of the new features I told Phil about was  Content Discovery. It’s almost as popular as Automations!

With Content Discovery, Promoboxx allows its retailers to immediately customize and share any content that has been promoted on their brands’ national online channels. Users can browse through dozens of extra brand-approved posts and choose exactly what speaks to their store’s personal brand. Instead of waiting for the next campaign, retailers can discover content anytime from the brand’s main Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Looking back at your experience with online marketing content, how has the Promoboxx platform saved you time as a business owner?

Since I signed up for the automations, I don’t have to find content myself because Promoboxx does it for me.

A big thanks to Phil for taking the time to talk with us. Stay tuned for more Retailers Rule! interviews.

Check out Phil’s store: Running Wild on Facebook and Twitter!