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Retailers Rule! Interview Series – Apparel Retailer Insights


The Retailers Rule! Interview Series has taken some time off to gather even more great insights from our retailers! Here at Promoboxx we LOVE our retailers, and keeping them engaged in our platform is very important to us. The Client Services team constantly reaches out to retailers to help them get activated, show them new features, and answer any questions they may have. We also love getting their feedback. Meeting retailers’ needs is key to having engaged users, and we like to check-in to see what retailers think of the Promoboxx platform. This interview series shares retailer insights across the industries and helps to better connect brands with their retailers.

As mentioned in the previous auto dealer insights, our retailers are awesome and their engagement in the platform is very important to us. We love hearing what retailers have to say and today we will be gaining awesome retailer insights from Anthony Dillard Sr., owner of the Timberland retail store, The Locker Room.

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What has your experience with Promoboxx been like so far?

I like the whole Promoboxx platform. Some content is not relevant to my market but it still engages conversation with my customers. The one thing that Promoboxx does for me that is really important is that it takes a bit of work out of my busy schedule. I don’t have to manage and supervise the content or even think about topics because Promoboxx provides it all for me. It’s my work saver and I can focus on other aspects of my business while utilizing this platform.

Another benefit of using Promoboxx for my store is that it allows me to capture a different consumer base – not just urban footwear.  Promoboxx helps me to expand my business. They provide so much varied content that I can post new daily Timberland content to my social media sites and keep customers engaged.

As an added bonus, the customer service at Promoboxx has been outstanding. I call them directly for answers and they call me directly for feedback. It’s a great partnership.

How do social media and online marketing impact in-store Screen Shot 2014-06-24 at 9.55.14 AMsuccess? Specifically with your store?

Social media and online marketing are our two top marketing tools. Social media and our radio advertisements are our two biggest outlets and are really untouchable to anything else. We utilize Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and our local radio station to market our store and what we sell. In 2015, our goal is to only be utilizing online marketing to promote our store.

If you could change or add any one feature to the Promoboxx platform, what would it be and why?

I would like the ability to share more campaigns based on what my consumer is purchasing. If I see one pair of Timberland shoes sell out fast, I want to be able to promote that shoe and how great it is.

What has been your favorite Timberland campaign so far and why?

Honestly, I don’t have a favorite because each one engages a different person and that’s what I want. I’m always getting new connections.

What is your biggest piece of advice for those retailers just starting on Promoboxx?

Take advantage of everything your brand has to offer! From one retailer to another, Promoboxx doesn’t cost you anything, so why wouldn’t you at least give it a try? I share as much content as I can because I’ve noticed that my consumers also share my posts with their friends and it ultimately drives more traffic to my store. As a retailer that is utilizing Promoboxx, I can honestly say that it has expanded my business.

A big thanks to Anthony for taking the time to talk with us. Stay tuned for more Retailers Rule! interviews.

Check out Anthony’s store: The Locker Room on Facebook and Twitter!